Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a minimum order? Do I have to buy a whole pallet?
There is no minimum order when picking up your sod; we will sell whatever amount you need. However, there is a minimum order for deliveries. Sod is only cut especially to your order so you need to place your order ahead of time.
How much does it weigh?
Sod weighs in at about 4 lb. per square foot. This could vary depending on thickness of cut and moisture content.
How long will sod last on a pallet?
On a hot day, freshly cut green sod will begin to yellow very quickly on the pallet due to heat. After the first day it will turn a pale yellow, and turn deeper yellow or brown the longer it stays in the pallet. In the hottest months of the summer sod should not be left on the pallet over 2 days. In cooler weather the sod will last longer.
If the sod does yellow in the pallet, will it survive?
Yes, if you get it installed quickly and water promptly. After the color turns a deep yellow or brown it will have to produce new blade growth to get green again. The important thing to watch is the root growth. Sod will produce root growth even if the top is not green. Watch for very tiny, thin, fuzzy white shoots to indicate the sod is growing. You should see this growth within 3 to 5 days with proper water.
When can you install sod?
Normally sod is available March through November, but has been successfully installed all months of the year, even on frozen ground.
What causes joints to separate?
The sod has gone too long between watering and the sod slabs have shrunk.
What causes sod to turn straw colored?
The sod has gone too long between watering. In hot weather it may need water twice per day for the first week.
Is a sod lawn less work?
Yes. A sodded lawn needs no special care because it is a healthy mature lawn when installed whereas a seeded lawn requires over a year of nurturing to reach maturity. Sod is grown under expert supervision from top quality seed blends. After it has been installed, just water, mow and fertilize your sod lawn every 6 weeks and it will remain a healthy, green carpet of grass, requiring very little maintenance.
Where can I use sod?
Sod can be installed practically anywhere, even where seeding is impossible or too costly. Sod is often used to stop soil erosion and water pollution on slopes where rain would wash away both seed and soil. Sod does not do well in heavy shade. Call us for advice about shady areas.
Can sod withstand heavy usage?
Certainly! Sod establishes itself quickly and is ready for light use in 3 or 4 days. In a couple of weeks, it is ready for full use. It creates the perfect surface for lawn games and family outdoor living. With today’s various blends of hardy grasses, sod is chosen for parks, golf courses, athletic fields, as well as residential homes and business parks.
Is sod a good investment?
Yes – it’s the only way to go – from bare soil to lush, green lawn in just hours. Yet, it’s relatively inexpensive to use. In the few hours it takes to install your sod lawn, your property value increases significantly and even more in aesthetic value.
How does sod affect our environment?
With today’s ecological concerns, more people are considering sod for its environmental benefits. Sod cools and cleans the atmosphere by reflecting the sun’s heat and absorbing noises, carbon dioxide and other harmful pollutants. It releases valuable oxygen and moisture into the air we breath. As it grows, sod silently contributes to a healthier environment. Sod lawns meet the needs of today’s fast-paced, demanding lifestyle.

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